Untitled by Marisa Faller '20 (Directing, Playwriting & Production)

April 14, 2020

By: Marisa Faller
*Dedicated to those associated with assault in a relationship*

You bury me in moments
Then cover me in my own fragility
I am strong
I am strong
Your fingers are poorly sewn into my shoulders
And I witness my blood on your brow
But I do not cry out
‘Do you think you would still love me with a noose around my neck?’
You bite my tongue
And grip my arms with your razor sharp conceit
‘Aren’t I the one who put it there?’
I do not cry out
I raise my eyes to the heavens
Where God has anchored my soul
I am from elsewhere
That I am sure
I have the body of others
But sometimes it seems that I speak a language nobody knows
I am on a constant search for someone or something to comprehend
Or can at least translate
So that I can be a part of the world They put me in
Why did You anchor my body to this ground?
When I find my peace,
Will You return me
To Your so-called “promised land”
It’s a game
You know
You can fuck me with your lies
And rip at my femininity with your so-called “righteousness”
But my soul is from elsewhere
That I am sure
And you can’t
My dreams